Windows Forms 2.0 Programming. Chris Sells, Michael Weinhardt

Windows Forms 2.0 Programming

ISBN: 0321267966,9780321267962 | 1296 pages | 22 Mb

Download Windows Forms 2.0 Programming

Windows Forms 2.0 Programming Chris Sells, Michael Weinhardt
Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional

Data Binding with Windows Forms 2.0: Programming Smart Client Data Applications with .NET. Windows Forms is a graphical application programming interface (also known as the graphical API). I just noticed that "Windows Forms 2.0 Programming," by Michael Weinhardt and Chris Sells, is available for pre-order. He's written several books, including Programming WPF, Windows Forms 2.0 Programming and ATL Internals. I've had a lot of requests for info on this book, so now folks can watch this space. This 6 hour course by Microsoft in for of a 92 page PDF is intended for developers who support and develop Windows Forms applications for Visual Studio 2005 and the Microsoft . One of them is reviewing books so that our community gets the best possible data. Data binding is the most important part of many business applications -- and one of the most difficult things to understand. Data Binding with Windows Forms 2.0 is the first book to focus on this crucial area of development. The first edition was so successful in fact that there will be much less competition for this new edition. It is a feature of the Windows .NET Framework, and provides access to the native Microsoft Windows interface elements. Paperback: 1296 pages Data: May 16, 2006 Format: CHM Description: Windows Forms 2.0 Programming is the successor to the highly praised Windows Forms free Download not from rapidshare or mangaupload. It is almost twice as long, reflecting the increased. Free Windows Forms 2.0 ToolStrip course. Windows Forms 2.0 Programming, by Chrfis Sells and Michael Weinhardt. In his free time, Chris hosts various conferences around the world. Data Binding with Windows Forms 2.0: Programming Smart Client Data Applications with .NET (Microsoft .NET Development Series). As I am coming up to speed on my new role, I have found out about the great work the teams have already done. Data Binding With Windows Forms 2.0: Programming Smart.